We appreciate your help to keep the club open by monitoring. Ideally we need 2 people to sign up as monitors for each shift, this way there is always at least 2 people in the club as required by SCW Chartered Clubs.
All members must monitor one 4 hour shift per year to remain in good standing and have full privileges of the club. You may sign up for a morning shift from 8am – 12 pm or afternoon shift 12pm – 4pm. During the summer months we have one midday shift from 10am – 2pm.
We provide training either in-person or online. Our Monitor Manual is both on our website and a printout is on the monitor desk in a red folder.
Morning Shift: If you sign up for a morning shift and the Club door is locked, please ask a Recreation Center employee from either the office down at the end of the main hall or the pool desk staff to unlock the door for you.
When you come into monitor this detailed manual may be helpful. Monitor Manual
If you haven’t already taken the New Member Orientation and Monitor Training. It takes only a few minutes and it details where things are located in this CW Office.
If you are ready to sign up to monitor, so that you have full club privileges, click here.